It would be safe to call the Books on Board bookmobile our flagship program.
It travels to 22 stops every two weeks, visiting every municipality in Lower Dauphin School District. Since December 2003, more than 3,685 patrons have borrowed 124,500 books and materials from our bookmobile. It even appears annually in the Hummelstown Halloween Parade!
This is one of our programs that seeks to get preschoolers and their parents reading together. By bringing books directly to neighborhoods, we hope to get our families reading so when their preschoolers arrive at school, they’ll be ready to learn.

Bookmobile Driver & Reader
But our bookmobile isn’t just for preschoolers – our book collection serves preschoolers through adults. There is something for everyone!
Another important part of this program is our storyteller, Miss Madeleine. She not only drives the bookmobile, but she also conducts story-times with our youngsters and talks with parents about the importance of reading to their child.
We also work with the school district in the summer by providing books for their summer reading activities. And, we conduct a Summer Reading Program for children of all ages!The aim of Books on Board is to prepare our preschoolers for school and to support efforts to keep our community’s school-aged kids reading during the summer. Research shows that exposing children to books early and often helps them do better in school. Kids who do well in the classroom feel more connected to their school and are therefore less likely to get into trouble as adolescents.
“The bookmobile is a big event in our household. It really has made my children take a bigger interest in reading because they’re picking the books themselves.”
“We love Books on Board and Miss Madeleine! She is always so kind, friendly and helpful in finding/choosing books.”
“At Exelon and Three Mile Island, we believe we have a responsibility to make a difference in the communities that we serve. I am proud of my affiliation with the Bookmobile and have seen the difference it makes in the community.”
Former TMI Site Vice President and LD CTC Board Member
Funding Opportunities
The cost to operate this program is roughly $25,000 per year. Previous funding partners have included Three Mile Island – Exelon Nuclear, Hummelstown American Legion Post 265, Hummelstown Borough, Conewago Township, East Hanover Township, Londonderry Township, South Hanover Township, Dauphin County Department of Drug & Alcohol Services, Inc. and the Lower Dauphin School District.
This year the program will be funded with a grant by the Department of Community Economic Development as well as by Constellation (Crane Clean Energy Center, formerly Three Mile Island).
For more information about the program, please contact Angela Durantine, Program Director, at 717-350-0428 or at [email protected].