What’s one of the best ways to prepare a child for school?
Reading to preschoolers makes them more likely to arrive at school ready to learn. That’s the goal of our Preschool Literacy Outreach program. We want to get books into the hands of preschoolers (ages 1-4) in the Lower Dauphin School District. We do this by providing their parents with quality children’s books and tips on reading together as a family.
Since April 2002, Lower Dauphin Communities That Care has provided more than 16,400 books to preschoolers on their birthdays. What preschooler doesn’t want an extra gift on his or her birthday?
The research behind the program suggests that preschoolers who come to school ready to learn are more likely to do better in their studies than those who aren’t exposed to books in the home at an early age. Kids who struggle at school often lack a commitment to school which can lead to problem behaviors when they become adolescents.
“My daughter loves her new book about Shapes. We are so thrilled to be a part of a community that cares about our children and their education.”
Funding Opportunities
The cost to operate this program is roughly $6,000 per year or $1,500 per age level. Previous funding partners have included the America’s Promise of Greater Harrisburg, Rotary Club of Hummelstown, Target Corporation, Department of Community & Economic Development – Rep. Ron Marsico, Three Mile Island – Exelon Nuclear, Dauphin County Department of Drug & Alcohol Services, Inc., The Giving Tree of Hummelstown and Hershey, Hummelstown American Legion Post 265 Family, Thrivent, and the Lower Dauphin School District.
Constellation (Crane Clean Energy Center) is our program sponsor for this year.
For more information about the program, please contact Angela Durantine, Program Director, at 717-350-0428.