Lower Dauphin Communities That Care provides programs to promote the positive development of children in the Lower Dauphin community.
All of the programs were selected after a thorough review of the Lower Dauphin community’s unique problems and assets. In our community, we have found that more effort needs to be directed to prevent academic failure beginning in late elementary school and in increasing students’ attachment to their school. We are also targeting efforts to curb the availability of drugs and alcohol in our community and to improve family dynamics.LD CTC provides programs in three main areas to protect our children and to help them develop into healthy, productive adults.
Preschool & Elementary Programs:
The family into which a child is born has the first opportunity to build a web of protection for the child. That web can buffer against risks for problem behaviors. Throughout a child’s life, commitment to healthy beliefs and clear standards for behavior learned in the family remains a powerful source for healthy development.
Through our comprehensive survey of the Lower Dauphin community, we have found that some children do not receive the support they need to develop into healthy, productive adults. This gap usually occurs during the preschool years, before the child and family have access to services provided in the school environment.
Our CTC effort focuses on expanding and developing local services to support families and children and to expand and develop school and community programs to help preschoolers come to school ready to learn.
Our Preschool & Elementary Programs are listed below:
Middle & High School Programs:
The transition from home to school environments offers the young child opportunities to interact with a larger group of adults and other children and they subsequently face the need to master a variety of new social and cognitive skills. Along with the continuing power of the home environment to shape a child’s development, the school becomes a significant influence in the child’s world.
Through our comprehensive survey of the Lower Dauphin community, we have found that some children do not receive the support they need to develop into healthy, productive adults. In the school setting, gaps in services have been identified in the need for remedial academic assistance for school-age students and in the need to revise and update the school curriculum with regards to information about alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. Another gap in our community lies in the need for after-school programming to appeal to all students as well as a need to evaluate current school clubs and activities to specifically appeal to at-risk students.
Our CTC effort focuses on expanding and developing school and community programs to increase academic success for students in school and to develop a comprehensive school and community plan for the prevention of substance abuse.
Our School-Age Programs are listed below:
Strengthening Families Program
Community & Family Programs:
Families of all socioeconomic levels, all cultures and races, in all neighborhoods across the country must recognize the power influence of the community on the development of young people. The community context can increase the risks in young people’s lives, or, working hand-in-hand with families, schools and youth-serving organizations, can help create a web of protection for our youth.
Through our comprehensive survey of the Lower Dauphin community, we have found that some children do not receive the support they need to develop into healthy, productive adults.In the community setting, gaps in services have been identified in the need for to provide access to preschool services for preschool children and economically disadvantaged families. Another gap in our community lies in the need for after-school programming to appeal to all young people. We have also found a need to provide community-based resources and programs to support families who are at-risk or in need of advice or support.
Our CTC effort focuses on expanding and developing local services to support families and children, expanding and developing school and community programs to increase academic success for students in school and to develop a comprehensive school and community plan for the prevention of substance abuse.
Our Community Programs are listed below: